Oppo has confirmed to launch the Oppo Watch Free smartwatch in India on February 4. The company has announced the launch date of Oppo Watch Free via its official Twitter handle. Alongside, Oppo will also launch the Green color variant of the Enco M32 neckband headset. The Green version will be available from Flipkart.
As per the tweet, the Oppo Watch Free will launch in India this week i.e on February 4. It will be launched alongside the Oppo Reno 7 series on February 4 at an online event. Have a look at the tweet below revealing the launch date of Oppo Watch Free:
Oppo Watch Free was launched in China back in September of 2021. It is priced at 549 Yuan (approx Rs 6,200) for the standard version and 599 Yuan (approx Rs 6,800) for the NFC version. Let’s look at the Oppo Watch Free specifications and features.
Oppo Watch Free Specifications
The Oppo Watch Free features 1.64-inch AMOLED Display with a 280 x 456 pixels resolution. Further, the display supports 100% DCI-P3 wide colour gamut with 326 ppi.
The fitness tracker supports more than 100 sport modes including outdoor running, outdoor cycling, outdoor walking, indoor cycling, free training, and more. In addition, it also features a heart rate sensor and will display five heart rate zones in real-time.
It has support for App notifications, alarm, timer, music controls, weather app, and find my phone. The fitness tracker even has NFC (only one variant) for contactless payments. Further, there’s also an e-sports which sends all the notifications to the watch instead of the phone.
The watch packs a 230 mAh battery which offers up to 14 days of usage on a single charge. With a 5-minute quick charge, the watch will give you a day worth of power. It comes with the support for Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity to connect to devices. Lastly, the wearable is compatible with phones running Android 6.0+ or iOS 10.0+, and pairs via the Health app.