Fire-Boltt recently launched Ninja 2 Max smartwatch in India for Rs 1899. It now seems like the company will soon launch a new smartwatch in the Ninja series called Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2.
A dedicated microsite for Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max has gone live on Flipkart. This suggests that the smartwatch will launch soon in India. An exact launch date is not revealed but the listing has revealed a few specifications of the upcoming smartwatch. The listing was first spotted by MySmartPrice which has now been removed.
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2 Specifications
Fire-Boltt Ninja Call 2 will sport a 1.7-inch touch screen display with 240 x 280 pixels resolution. It will come with over 200 watch faces. Furthermore, the wearable will come with Bluetooth calling feature with a built-in microphone and speaker.
The smartwatch will come with more than 27 sports modes. These include badminton, swimming, football, skipping, basketball, cycling, running, walking, and more. It will also come with up to 10 days of battery life and up to 5 days with BT calling.
In addition, the Ninja Call 2 will come with an IP67 water and dustproof rating. There will be also SpO2 sensor, female health tracking, a heart rate tracker and sleep tracker. Other features include music control and camera control, games support, reminder, flashlight, alarm, stopwatch, and clock.
To refresh, the recently launched Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max is available for sale on Amazon. The smartwatch comes in three colour options: Black, Dark Green, and Rose Gold.
This is the fourth smartwatch in the Ninja series after the launch of Fire-Boltt Ninja, Fire-Boltt Ninja Pro, and Fire-Boltt Ninja. The Fire-Boltt Ninja 2 Max sports a 1.5-inch touch screen display with 240 x 280 pixels resolution. It come with over 200 watch faces.
The smartwatch comes with more than 20 sports modes. These include badminton, swimming, football, skipping, basketball, cycling, running, walking, and more. It also comes with up to 7 days of battery life.