The OnePlus Buds Pro recently made its debut in India with a hefty price tag of Rs 9,999. While not everyone can afford it, it seems like the company is working on a solution by bringing a Lite variant of these OnePlus Buds to the market.
Per Max Jambor, a tipster on Twitter OnePlus is working on a ‘sort of’ a Lite version of the OnePlus Buds Pro. Jambor says that the brand will bring in those earbuds at a lower price than the OnePlus Buds Pro.
Further, the only information we have regarding the buds is that they will come with Active Noise Cancellation. It seems like OnePlus wants to enter the budget segment as well with its earphones. Unfortunately, there’s no official confirmation from the brand itself regarding any of the information mentioned above.
OnePlus Buds Pro Specifications
The OnePlus Buds Pro come with Adaptive Noise Cancellation that cancels noise up to 40dB. There’s a 3 microphone setup that achieves ANC while calling. There’s an Audio ID feature through which the Buds determine what kind of sound the person needs.
The Audio is handled by 11mm dynamic drivers. The OnePlus Buds Pro get 7 hours of playback time without ANC. It is extended to 31 hours with the case. With ANC, you get up to 5 hours of playback time. So a 10-minute charge will get you 10 hours of playtime.
The charging case also supports wireless charging. There’s 94ms ultra-low Latency as per OnePlus’ claims when using Pro Gaming Mode. The wireless connection is handled via Bluetooth 5.2.
The Buds Pro can be further customized using the HeyMelody App for non-OnePlus users. The TWS earbuds are IP55 resistant as well.
The OnePlus Buds Pro is also enabled with Zen mode that lets users choose from a list of white noise to reduce stress during activities like yoga or meditation or even while sleeping.