WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that enables users to send HD images across its Messaging platform. Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, made the announcement through his Meta broadcast channel on Instagram, stating, “An upgrade has been applied to the photo-sharing experience on WhatsApp. You can now share images in HD.”
This feature is in the process of being launched globally within the next few weeks. Users having this feature in their WhatsApp will be able to transmit images of improved quality and higher Resolution (albeit still subject to compression from the original source) from Android, iOS, or the web. Recipients, irrespective of their platform, will observe a small icon signifying the enhanced quality. Meta has indicated that support for HD videos will follow suit shortly.
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In this guide, we’ll share how to send HD photos on WhatsApp.
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How to send HD photos on WhatsApp?
Here is the step-by-step guide you might send high-quality photos on WhatsApp.
- Open the WhatsApp app on your smartphone.

- Open the chat window of the select contact and click on the + icon.

- Choose the high-quality photo you want to send from your device’s gallery.

- Then, see a popup with the option to send the photo in Standard quality or HD quality.

- Tap on the HD option to send it in high quality. Once you’ve selected the option, tap the “Send” button.

Points to ponder
Meta has not provided detailed information regarding the extent of compression applied to the images or their comparative appearance in contrast to sending images through Apple’s iMessage or other competing platforms. The improved-quality images will adhere to WhatsApp’s existing end-to-end Encryption settings.
In cases of sluggish connections, recipients will have the option to retain the standard-quality version of the image or opt for the HD upgrade. Furthermore, senders will continue to use standard-quality transmission as the default setting.