Voyager Mobile, a mobile virtual network in USA, has promised to launch a service called Project Global Voyager which promises global Roaming without any roaming charges and will start in 2013.
The service will be based on a patent-pending global wireless technology, and will offer international voice, SMS, and data worldwide on dual GSM and CDMA devices, without roaming charges.
According to the company, the technology is completely network cloud based, with no special software residing on the individual handsets and devices.
During the keynote speech at the MVNOs Industry Summit USA 2012 in Dallas, Texas, John Mardini, president of Voyager Mobile, said, “It’s technology that promotes collaboration between companies, vendors, employees, and customers wherever they may be in the world. It’s technology that keeps a mom in touch with her son while he’s backpacking throughout Europe. And, it’s technology that keeps doctors in Africa in constant communication with their counterparts in the US.”
Mardini said, “This is a true home network worldwide – one of the first of its kind, available for both retail and enterprise, and it’s coming exclusively to Voyager Mobile in 2013.”
Voyager Mobile started operation in May 2012 with its unlimited wireless plans starting at $17 per month. It claims to be America’s cheapest wireless service provider, offering nationwide 3G, 4G WiMAX, and 4G LTE wireless services across the United States.
The only concern here is that currently there are few dual mode GSM+CDMA handsets available right now.