Sennheiser has announced the launch of HD 560S entry-level audiophile headphones in India. Priced at Rs 18,990, the Sennheiser HD 560S will be available on the company’s website, other E-Commerce platforms and leading electronic retail outlets in the country.
The HD 560S is tailor-made for listeners who need to understand a tune in all its details, from the recording studio to the sound file. It aims to show how a track is intended to be heard, rather than delivering an interpretation offered up by a headphone’s sound design.
The HD 560S’ transducers are specifically tuned for accuracy, offering dependable A/B comparisons of mixes, sources and media formats. Its open-back ear-cups facilitate a natural expansion of sound waves, while their angled alignment recreates the optimal triangular listening position of loudspeakers for a wide, articulate sound-stage.
The HD 560S offers a Frequency response of 6 Hz – 38 kHz. A high 110 dB/1V sensitivity and an extraordinarily low THD (<0.05% at 90 dB) offer an expressive dynamic range and clarity.
The HD 560S uses an ultralight chassis for distraction-free listening. The ventilated cup remains cool without touching the wearer’s ears. It is equipped with a detachable 3-meter cable, 6.3mm jack and a 3.5mm adapter with a flexible 15cm lead.
Kapil Gulati, Director, Consumer Segment, Sennheiser India said, “We are elated to announce the launch of the entry level audiophile Sennheiser HD 560S headphones in India today. Sennheiser being at the helm of innovation and revolutionising audio solutions, has meticulously crafted HD 560S to the most demanding standards. At Sennheiser, we are committed to introducing products that cater to the needs of our diverse consumers. These audiophile headphones meet Sennheiser’s criteria for exceptional performance and will be a perfect companion for those who evaluate a recording’s entire journey through the audio path.”