Noise has announced the launch of its new smartwatch – Noise Colorfit Pro 3. The newly launched smartwatch is now available at Noise’s website, Amazon and Flipkart at a special launch price of Rs 3999 till today midnight. It is otherwise priced at Rs 5999.
The Noise Colorfit Pro 3 comes in Jet Black, Jet Blue, Smoke Grey, Smoke Green, Rose Pink and Rose Red colours.
Noise Colorfit Pro 3 comes with customisable and cloud-based watch faces with multiple swappable strap options offering variability of colours and designs to choose from. The smartwatch has the 1.55-inch Full Touch HD TruView display with 320*360 Resolution and 500 NITS brightness.
For connectivity, the smartwatch comes with Bluetooth 5.0 to connect to iOS 9+ or Android 4.4+ devices. It has a battery life of 10 days with embedded 210 mAh battery.
Noise Colorfit Pro 3 has an array of health oriented and contemporary features including auto sports recognition with 14 unique sports modes, 5ATM water resistance up to 50m and 24/7 heart rate tracking. It not only gives an option to monitor blood oxygen level (SPO2) but it is also structured to track stress level and sleep patterns in three different categories – Light Sleep, Deep Sleep and REM cycles. The multiple Sensors at the back of the smartwatch help in the functioning of these tracking and monitoring features.
For female health, ColorFit Pro 3 comes with a Female Health tracker to help them map their menstruation and pregnancy data. It will predict and remind of the next menstrual period based on the menstrual data set by the customer. In case of pregnancy, it can predict and remind female users of the ovulation period, that they can take better care.
Talking about the launch, Gaurav Khatri, Co-Founder, Noise said, “We, at Noise, intend to equip our customers with our contemporary products which are specially designed keeping their specific needs in mind. With our new launch of ColorFit Pro 3, we want to unravel the unlimited possibilities for the Noise patrons, who are redefining what the best means every time, for them. With this launch, we aim to offer a seamless, tech driven smart watch experience to our consumers and are hopeful that with this upgraded version, they will stay healthy and fit in these challenging times.”