Fire-Boltt recently launched Ninja Call 2 smartwatch in India for Rs 2999. It now seems like the company will soon launch a new smartwatch in the country soon called Fire-Boltt Call.
A dedicated microsite for Fire-Boltt Call has now gone live on Amazon. This suggests that the smartwatch will launch soon in India. The exact launch date is not revealed but the listing has revealed a few specifications of the upcoming smartwatch.
Fire-Boltt Call Specifications
Fire-Boltt Call will sport a 1.7-inch HD screen that supports a 60-degree view and Ultiview display. It will come with over 200 cloud-based watch faces. The Call watch will house a new FB1 Nanochip. Furthermore, the wearable will come with Bluetooth calling feature with a built-in microphone and speaker.
The smartwatch will come with 7 sports modes. These include cycling, skipping, badminton, walking and running and more. It will also come with up to 10 days of battery life and up to 5 days with BT calling. Further, it will also offer up to 30 days of stand by time.
In addition, the wearable will come with IP67 water and dustproof rating. There will be also a SpO2 sensor, female health-tracking, a heart rate tracker and a sleep tracker. Other features include music control and camera control, weather updates, drink water reminders, sedentary reminders, flashlight, alarm, stopwatch, and clock.
The Fire-Boltt Call will come in multiple colour variants. These include Green, White, Mint, Red, Pink, Blue, and Black colours. These are also interchangeable straps that are made up of high-quality silicone. They all come with stainless steel buckles.
The recently launched Fire-Boltt Ninja Calling smartwatch is priced at Rs 2,999 and it comes with 1-year warranty from the date of purchase. The watch is already available for purchase on Flipkart. The smartwatch comes in four colour options: Black, Blue, Green, Gray, and Red.