Amazon India has announced the launch of seller registration and account management services in Malayalam, Telugu and Bengali. This launch will benefit thousands of existing Amazon sellers, many potential and new sellers from markets across tiers to run their business on marketplace in a language of their choice and preference.
With this Amazon seller registration launch, sellers will now be able to register on and manage their online business from a selection of eight languages including Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil and English. Using any of the regional languages, sellers can do everything from registering as an Amazon seller for the first time, to managing orders, inventory and accessing performance metrics – all in the language of their preference. This experience has been made available on the Amazon seller Central as well as on the mobile app.
To launch the services in Malayalam, Telugu and Bengali for sellers, Amazon worked with expert linguists to develop a holistic and comprehensible experience in each language. The team has chosen commonly used terms over perfectly translated words to make the experience relatable, easily understandable and seamless for sellers. Advanced machine learning technologies complemented the linguists’ efforts and helped the project scale across the languages and launch simultaneously.
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Amazon Sellers who wish to change their preferred language can change it in a few simple steps on both Amazon’s Seller website and Seller mobile app. Sellers registering through the Desktop can change their preferred language by accessing the ‘language drop-down’ available on every page, at the top-right corner.
The language can be changed on the Seller App through the language drop-down on the bottom left corner while registering and through the App ‘Settings’ menu. Once the language is changed, sellers can view all pages and workflows in Malayalam, Telugu and Bengali amongst the other language options available.
Amazon will continue to evolve the experience to add more features in Malayalam, Telugu and Bengali, helping thousands of MSMEs to enjoy the benefits of registering and managing their business in a language of their choice and convenience.