HomeNews200 SMS limit reimposed by Supreme Court

200 SMS limit reimposed by Supreme Court

The Supreme Court in an interim order has lifted the ban on the TRAI order, which, in an effort to curb unsolicited commercial SMSs, had imposed a limit of 200 SMSs per day.

Once again, sending more than 200 SMSs per day will attract a higher tariff. The Supreme Court has brought back the quota today with an interim order. The quota was introduced in 2011 by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), but was lifted by the Delhi High Court in July this year. The court said that the restriction undermines the right to freedom of expression.
200 <a href='https://www.themobileindian.com/glossary#sms' rel='tag'>SMS</a> limit reimposed by Supreme Court
The quota was introduced originally to deter unsolicited SMSs from telemarketing companies. TRAI had asked operators to charge a higher base tariff, or more than 50 paise in case a person sends more than 200 SMSs (initially 100 SMSs) a day.

Incidentally, yesterday SMS as a technology completed 20 years, and in that sense this court order is not the perfect birthday gift for SMS.

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