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Voice Typing in Google Docs: Coming Soon To Microsoft Edge & Safari Users

Google has announced that it will soon be bringing the Voice Typing functionality in Google Docs to Safari and Microsoft Edge users.

Voice typing has emerged as a transformative feature in recent times, allowing users to dictate text hands-free. Google Docs has now extended this feature to users of Microsoft and Apple Safari browsers, apart from its browser, enhancing accessibility and productivity. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to utilize voice typing in Google Docs on Edge and Safari browsers.

Enabling Voice Typing

To begin voice typing in Google Docs, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Google Docs website in your preferred browser.
  2. In the Google Docs interface, locate the “Tools” menu under the three vertical dots. Or, it could be explicitly mentioned as “Tools,” depending on the screen layout you have.
  3. Within the “Tools” menu, click on the “Voice typing” option to activate the feature.

These steps are likely to remain the same for Edge and Safari users too, once the rollout begins.

How To Use Voice Typing In Google Docs?

Once voice typing is enabled, a floating microphone icon will appear, indicating that the is ready to convert your speech into text. can be used for more than just dictation; they allow you to add punctuation, select text, format documents, and even insert tables. Do note that you’ll have to speak clearly and a normal pace for the software to understand your speech and then convert it to text.

If an error occurs while dictating, you can easily correct it without disabling the microphone. Simply move the cursor to the mistake and fix it using your voice. This seamless integration of voice commands into the editing process significantly streamlines document creation.

In addition to Google Docs, voice typing can also be utilized in Google Slides to add speaker notes. Moreover, automatic captions are available during presentations, displaying the speaker’s words in real-time. Note that the feature will be made available only to the Desktop users.

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Voice Typing in Google Docs On Safari & Microsoft Edge: Rollout Timeline

The rollout of voice typing for Edge and Safari users will occur in stages. For Rapid Release domains, the feature will become visible gradually over 15 days, starting from May 22, 2024. Scheduled Release domains will see a full rollout over 1 to 3 days, beginning on June 11, 2024. It will be made available to all Google Workspace customers, Google Workspace Individual subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts

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