A few days ago, a new smartwatch by Realme was tipped to launch soon in India and we now have an official date for the same. Realme has announced that its Techlife Watch SZ100 will launch in India on May 18. Further, a few of the watch’s features have also been teased by the brand.
A new microsite on Realme India website has gone live which confirms that the Techlife Watch SZ100 will launch in India on May 18, 12:30 PM IST. Furthermore, the microsite confirms some of the key specifications of the smartwatch including its 1.69-inch HD colour display, skin & body temperature measurement support, along with a 12-day battery life.
Apart from this, not much is known about the Watch as of now. It is believed to come with a bunch of health tracking features and support for tracking multiple sports modes. The watch might arrive as the successor to the Realme Watch S100 that launched in India in March this year.
Realme TechLife Watch S100 comes with a 4.3cm (1.69″) large colour display with a high Resolution of 240*280 pixels. Additionally, the display on the TechLife Watch S100 can peak upto 530 nits brightness, ensuring that the content on it is clearly visible even under direct sunlight.
Separately, Realme has also confirmed that the Realme Narzo 50 5G series is also going to launch in India on May 18. As per the teaser shared by the company, the Narzo 50 series will feature the most powerful Processor in the segment – MediaTek Dimensity 920. In addition, it will also come with a vapour chamber cooling system and 5 layers of cooling for improved heat dissipation.