Lumiford is strengthening its product portfolio with the XP70 Advanced Wireless Earphones priced at Rs 2,599. XP70’s comes with smart magnetic control system allows the users to easily answer/reject incoming calls, auto power on/off, and also music play/pause.
The sleek, lightweight and comfortable design further add visual appeal to the earphones. The XP70 is powered with A2DP Audio Technology along with extra bass drivers which enhance user-experience as per Lumiford.
It offers more than 10m transmission range and 20Hz-20KHz speaker Frequency response. The XP70 earphones also feature 8mm dynamic drivers, and a 160mAHrechargeable Li-Polymer battery that gives it a long-lasting 10-hour music play and talk time. The charging time stands at 2 hours while the standby time is a massive 350 hours. One can charge the device using its DC 5V/ Micro USB charging interface.
Speaking on the new launch, Mr. Abhijit Bhattacharjee, CEO, Lumiford Pvt. Ltd., said, “We are amidst a revolution in technology where users are getting access to the highest levels of convenience, thus catapulting their expectations from consumer tech brands”.
“With our offerings, we are not only meeting but exceeding these expectations. Our latest launch, the XP70 advanced wireless earphones offer the perfect combination of looks and power, which will definitely appeal to the new-age buyers. We are looking forward to the response on these earphones!”, he added.