Fire-Boltt has launched a new smartwatch in India called Fire-Boltt Ring Pro. The watch comes with a 25 sports modes, Bluetooth calling feature, a 1.75-inch display, health features and more.
Let’s look at the price, specifications, and features of the new watch.
The Fire-Boltt Ring Pro will be available for sale on Amazon for Rs 3,999 from June 16. The smartwatch will be available in five colour options: Black, Red, Blue, Green, and White. The watch also comes with 1 year warranty from the date of purchase.
Fire-Boltt Ring Pro Specifications
The Ring Pro smartwatch by Fire-boltt sports a larger 1.75-inch full touch display with 320 × 385 Pixel resolution. Users can also choose from a ton of watch faces with its cloud-based watch faces. Furthermore, the wearable comes with Bluetooth calling feature with a built-in microphone and speaker.
The watch has 25 sports modes including hiking, Badminton, Basketball, football, Cycling, Running and Walking. Sensors on the watch include an accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope, and light sensor.
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Moreover, the Fire-boltt Ring Pro comes with a heart rate tracker, a sleep tracker and a SpO2 monitor for measuring blood-oxygen levels. There is also an integrated Breathe Mode for meditative breathing and female health tracking.
Additionally, the watch supports Bluetooth connectivity and comes with support for both Android as well as iOS devices. Other features include a stopwatch, alarm, App notifications, weather updates, drink water reminders, sedentary reminders, flashlight, alarm, stopwatch, and clock.
The watch carries an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. It can withstand dust, spills, raindrops and is sweatproof too. At the moment, the battery life is not known. Lastly, it has built-in games such as Flappy Birds and 1048 which can be played offline as well.