WhatsApp has now started rolling out a new ‘View Once’ disappearing feature. This feature will allow you to send photos and videos that can only be viewed once by recipients.
WhatsApp view once feature initially started rolling out to WhatsApp for iPhone version 2.21.150 in India on Tuesday (August 3). But now, the feature is rolling out to all users, including those on Android.
WhatsApp View Once
The ‘View Once’ feature will allow users to send photos and videos that disappear from a chat once they are viewed once by the recipient. However, users can still take a screenshot of the message and keep a record of it.
According to WhatsApp, the media will not be saved to the recipient’s photos or gallery. Once you send a view once photo or video, you won’t be able to view it again. You can’t forward, save, star, or share photos or videos that were sent or received with view once media enabled.
Further, you can only see if a recipient has opened a view once photo or video if they have read receipts turned on. If you don’t open the photo or video within 14 days of it being sent, the media will expire from the chat.
You must select view once media each time you want to send a view once photo or video.
View once media can be restored from backup if the message is unopened at the time of back up. If the photo or video has already been opened, the media will not be included in the backup and can’t be restored.
Whatsapp notes you to only send photos or videos with view once media enabled to trusted individuals. For example, it’s possible for someone to:
- Take a screenshot or screen recording of the media before it disappears. You won’t be notified if someone takes a screenshot or screen recording.
- Take a photo or video of the media with a camera or other device before it disappears.
Encrypted media may be stored for a few weeks on WhatsApp’s servers after you’ve sent it. If a recipient chooses to report view once media, the media will be provided to WhatsApp.