Qualcomm has been consistently pushing new processors and an upcoming Chipset dubbed Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 has now been leaked. Successor to the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 from last year, the 7s Gen 3 is expected to bring improvements across the board, including support for Generative AI.
As leaked by Evan Blass on X, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 is expected to boast about 20% improvement in CPU. This 7s Gen 2 included an octa-core CPU configuration consisting of four Cortex A78 performance cores running at 2.4GHz and four Cortex A55 efficiency cores operating at 1.95GHz.
The recently leaked benchmark listing for the 7s Gen 3 suggests it scored 1,157 and 3,157 in single-core and multi-core tests, similar to those of the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3. The leak showed a 15% single-core and 12% multi-core performance bump over the 7s Gen 2. The leak added that it gets a tri-cluster CPU with the prime core clocked at 2.5 GHz, three performance cores at 2.4 GHz, and four efficiency cores at 1.8 GHz.
Read More: Qualcomm Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 Announced, to Enable 5G in sub-$100 Smartphones
For the GPU, it uses an Adreno 810 clocked at 480 MHz. The GPU will bring about a 40% improvement, as per Evan’s leak on X. His leak further adds that the chip will bring 30% better AI performance and 12% more overall power savings. For connectivity, it’ll get 5G Modem-RF system, Bluetooth v5.4, and Qualcomm’s FastConnect system. Camera will include a triple-bit ISP, AI remoasic, and video retouch support.
For gaming, there’ll be Adaptive Perf Engine 3.0 with VRS Pro and AFME. Audio features will include Spatial audio support, Qualcomm aptX lossless audio support, along with Aqstic speaker max and Hi-Fi DAC. Finally, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 will also include AI features such as Gen AI along with multi-language translation and transcription.