LG Electronics today introduced a limited edition of the LG ToneFree earbuds to celebrate the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. These special earbuds come with a free Ganesha printed case worth Rs 1499, alongside a case that comes in silver and green color options. Consumers can avail these limited-edition earbuds under LG’s ‘Sounds Divine’ offer.
Consumers can purchase the FN5-U model at Rs 11,990, FN6 at Rs 24,990 with the topmost FN7 at Rs 29,990. The entire range of TONEFREE is now available on LG’s online store, E-commerce retailers and retail stores across India. LG is also offering cashback of up to Rs. 2,000 with selected credit card payments
The LG TONEFREE are India’s first 99.9% bacteria free earbuds, that eliminates bacteria while charging. The three models, HBS-FN7, HBS-FN6 and HBS-FN5U are equipped with a unique and innovative UVnano charging cradle with ultraviolet light that sanitizes the earbuds.
Read More: LG launches new LG TONEFREE FN7, FN6 Truly Wireless Earbuds, going on sale today
The case comes with LED lighting on the top, making it easy to monitor charging level and UVnano status. The earbuds house features such as Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), Meridian-tuned sound, ergonomic design, amongst others.
Additionally, the new LG TONEFREE come equipped with a convenient new feature for consumers to easily locate their earbuds – “Find my Earbuds”. With this new feature consumers can easily locate their missing earbuds by using the TONEFREE app, with a beep sound when one presses play in the Find My Earbuds page. Thus, indicating the last GPS location of the earbuds.
The LG TONEFREE FN7 comes with Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), engineered to reduce high-frequency noise encountered daily. LG TONEFREE HBS-FN5U features the Meridian’s Headphone Spatial Processing (HSP).