Microsoft has finally made available the full version of Skype App for Windows Phone platform. Using the Skype app for Windows Phone, users can engage in voice calls, video calls and texting with their contacts.
This is in line with what Peter Wissing, director for Windows Phone at Microsoft, promised earlier this year.
The Skype app v1.0 seeks permission from the user to access the device’s phonebook and check if any of the existing contacts are already using Skype. However, video calling would be usable only on the Windows Phone devices with front facing camera.
There’s just one issue – whenever your Skype contact calls you, the app should be running on the phone. Apparently, that’s one limitation with the Windows Phone OS. Hopefully that won’t be the case with the Windows Phone 8 OS.
Using the Skype app, users can also call landline numbers for which one needs Skype Credits. Download the new Skype app from your Windows Market Place or you can follow this link.