OnePlus 9R was launched in India along with OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro smartphones in March this year. Now, the company is rolling out a new update to the OnePlus 9R.
OnePlus has rolled out OxygenOS for OnePlus 9R users in India. The update is based on Android 11 and it fixes general issues and brings system improvements. It also brings May Android security patch to the device.
The update for OnePlus 9R was announced through a post on the OnePlus Community Forum. It fixes the abnormal silent notification issue after muting the media volume, UI issues in Freeform Windows and the issue that newly saved notes can’t sync to Shelf in time.
As usual, OnePlus said that this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and will start a broader rollout in a few days. To manually check for the update, head to Settings > System > System Updates > Download and install.
Take a look at complete changelogs below:
Fixed the abnormal silent notification issue after muting the media volume
Fixed UI issues in Freeform Windows
Fixed general issues and improved system stability
Updated Android security patch to 2021.05
Fixed the issue that newly saved notes can’t sync to Shelf in time
OnePlus Games
Improved the overall user experience
Improved picture preview smoothness
Improved the camera stability and shooting performance
Fixed the abnormal image issue under Nightscape mode