Ambrane has announced a new addition to its smartwatch portfolio with the launch of FitShot Sphere smart watch in India. The new watch is priced at Rs 4,999. It brings a circular design, a faster processor, a brighter display, and several other health functionalities.
The product in shades of Black and Peach comes with 365 days warranty and is launched with Amazon India.
Ambrane FitShot Sphere Features
The smartwatch comes with a circular display with 1.28-inch screen size and 450 Nits of brightness. Furthermore, the Sphere’s silicon strap is not only suited to an outdoor lifestyle but also adds to its stylish factor.
The smartwatch provides customers with various watch designs and customizing choices, including 3 Watch Faces and 46 Cloud Watch Faces. In terms of health & fitness-related features, Ambrane FitShot Sphere has a heart rate monitor and a SpO2 blood-oxygen-level monitor.
The data acquired by these Sensors is available with full analytics in the app. In addition, the smartwatch offers 17 Sports Modes, including the new Stationary Bike and Rowing Machine. The wristwatch also has a sleep tracker. The Sphere with a 270 mAh battery, offers a weeklong battery life, as per the company.
Ambrane FitShot Sphere is equipped with Bluetooth v5.0. The watch has also support for smart alerts like Incoming call alerts, FB Messenger, WhatsApp, SMS Etc., and controls for music and photography apps on the phone. Lastly, the Watch has an IP68 rating and is water-resistant.
Previously, Ambrane launched FitShot Zest smartwatch at Rs 4999. The Smartwatch is available in three colour options – Black, Blue and Pink. The product is available on Flipkart and comes with 365 days of warranty.
The Voice assistance enabled Ambrane FitShot Zest smartwatch comes with a Calling feature, Menstrual cycle tracking and real-time health tracking, among many other features. Further, it comes equipped with the Bluetooth calling feature.