Elon's Twitter suspends Bot

Twitter has suspended a bot account tracking Elon Musk's private jet

Twitter has suspended a bot account  of  Jack Sweeney , @ElonJet, which wa using data available in the public domain

Post that even Jack Sweeney's personal account has also been suspended

Twitter has also suspended  accounts tracking the jets of big guns - Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates as well.

In November, Elon has said account tracking his jet will not be banned as he is commited to Free Speech

U Turn

Now, Elon  has done a complete U Turn and gone back on what he has said. Did anyone say Free speech

Sweene who operates similar bot accounts tracking Musk's jet on Facebook, Instagram and Telegram, whill concentrate on other platforms

Twitter's Help Center has tweeted an updated media policy it says  "You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission."

An account tracking aircraft associated with Russian President Vladimir Putin has also been suspended,

Sweeney has claimed in a interview that  he turned down a $5,000 offer from Musk in 2021 to shut down the bot account.